Put on your socks


“Nathaniel, your feet are freezing! Go put on your socks.”

“But I don’t want to wear those socks!”

*He runs into the living room, trying to put on some socks he had on for church yesterday. Although I don’t see him, I know what he is doing*

“Don’t you put on those socks! Come put on your house socks.”

“Aw man! You’re good at this mommy.”

“Yes Nathaniel, I’m good at being a mommy.”

Hahahaha 😂. Gotta love him!



Oh my goodness! I never thought it was possible for my son to say the word “mom” as much as he has today! I’m thinking I should maybe change my name for the day; give myself a name that’s super cool and makes me laugh whenever he says it. I’m thinking something along the lines of “superstar rainbow bright.” Two good things might come of changing my name to this: 1. My 3 year old son may not be able to properly pronounce the name, so he may just not call out for me every two minutes. 2. However he says the name, it will make me laugh. I’d say that’s much better then wanting to pull my hair out and wonder why, just whyyyy he has to say “mom” for everything! What do you think? Doesn’t hurt to try huh? 😋